Help your child succeed in school and in life by getting them to school every day. A missed absence, for any reason and for any amount of time, is a missed opportunity for learning.
Below you will find McMicken's attendance policy as well as informational guides. (Click on each section title to access guides and forms.)
Attendance Basics
If your child will not be in school, for any reason, you must call the school office every day your child is out. Please call 206.631.4300.
Parent Guideline for Student Illness
This guide will help you determine when to keep your child home in the event of illness.
Prearranged Absence Form
This form is used for any vacation taken during the school year, regardless of the length of time away. It is also used for any known absence lasting for 3 days or more, not related to a family vacation. Please fill out the top portion and return to the school's office.
Every Day Counts
This informational guide provides tips on how to help reduce absences.
State Law Requirements
This informational guide outlines the school's responsibilities in addressing attendance issues.
Parent Agreement Letter
Like all school districts in Washington state, Highline Public Schools is mandated to provide information regarding the importance of good attendance to parents in the form of the Parent Agreement Letter. Please take a moment to read through the letter. It is presented in various languages. If you are able, please print the letter, sign it, and email to Becky Schreiner, our attendance specialist.
Attendance Celebrations
Each month two Top Classes will be recognized for having the best attendance for that particular month. Students in the winning classes will be acknowledged at our school assembly. They will also receive a special treat.
Will your student’s class be next?
MARCH 2024
McMicken had 90.3% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - Whitney: 93.7% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Pierce-Bluhm/Dawson: 94.2% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 89.6% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - Shirasu/Hindes: 94.2% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Rawding: 95.3% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 89.1% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - D'Elia: 94.6% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - T. Walsh: 94.1% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 89.4% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - D'Elia: 95.7% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Farwell/Lindheimer: 94.6% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 91.6% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - Bowman/Torres Ibarra: 94.4% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Goo: 95.5% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 92.9% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - Moser: 94.6% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Goo: 96.5% of the class attended school every day!
McMicken had 93.6% overall attendance for the month.
Primary - Whitney: 97.1% of the class attended school every day!
Intermediate - Shilhanek: 96.7% of the class attended school every day!