
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

McMicken Heights Elementary School
3708 South 168th Street SeaTac, WA 98188

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Report Cards Distributed Next Few Weeks

Report Cards Distributed Next Few Weeks

Your child's report card will be distributed in the next few weeks. A report card communicates a student's learning progress during the grading period. All Highline schools are using standards-based grading (SBG) this year, and student’s scores will reflect this. 

The Standards-Based Grading Difference

The state sets standards for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Standards-based grading measures a student’s learning of specific standards. Traditional grading gives students points for individual assignments or effort, but standards-based grading shows a student's progress toward learning standards. Students have multiple ways and opportunities to demonstrate their learning in a content area. It may take students more than one attempt to meet a standard, and that is OK. 

Elementary Report Cards 

You will notice some changes to your elementary student's report card this year. Next to each essential standard, you will see a score of  X, 1, 2, 3, or 4 on the report card. 

  • X - Not evaluated at this time because it has not yet been covered in class
  • 1 - Demonstrates a basic understanding of the concept and/or ability to perform the skill 
  • 2 - Demonstrates progress toward understanding the concept and/or ability to perform the skill 
  • 3 - Demonstrates a complete and correct understanding of the concept and/or the ability to perform the skill
  • 4 - Demonstrates extended and complex understanding of the concept and or/skill of the standard

Some standards include many different skills. For example, one standard may expect students to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Students may learn how to add and subtract in the fall and how to multiply and divide later in the school year. In that situation, the student would receive a 3 in their fall report card, indicating that they have mastered the part of the standard that has been taught.

In the past, student behavior was part of a student's grade. Instead of providing a grade for behavior, teachers will include notes in the comments section and use time in the upcoming conferences to discuss strengths and areas for continued growth. In Highline, we promote behaviors that lead to successful learning and provide incentives other than grades.

Students Who Qualify for English Language Learning Services 

Students who are learning English aren't just working towards learning standards; they are also acquiring the skills to read, write, and speak a new language. Teachers will communicate to you about what to expect for mastering standards and how to  support your student’s learning.

Students Who Qualify For An IEP

Students who qualify for an IEP will continue to receive communication regarding their IEP goals and how teachers may modify instruction and provide accommodations to support student learning. The modified grading scale will only be used for students that have this identified in their IEP.

Report Card Examples

To see an example of what to expect on your child’s report card, visit our report card webpage

More Information

Please contact your student’s teacher or principal with questions about your child's learning and progress.

Visit our standards-based grading web section to learn more about this instructional approach being implemented at all schools in Highline.